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Post-accident protection: Why police reports are crucial?



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Car Accident

Ask The Police to Make a Report! Nobody likes doing paperwork, but if you believe you may have been injured in an accident, insist that a report be made. Our clients often tell us that the police refused to make a report of the car accident because nobody at the scene realized how injured they were until the adrenaline wore off later.

NY law requires the police to make a report if a person on the scene reports an injury. When first responders are assessing the scene, it is natural for people to respond “I’m okay” to indicate that they are not in immediate need of medical attention. But it is very important that you report any trauma you may have sustained, ex. “I felt my knee hit something during the collision.” If it turns out to be a serious injury, you will have the documentation.

When there’s no documentation at the scene, it gives the wrongdoer’s insurance company a huge advantage and will likely affect settlement value. Insist on making a report to protect your rights. Call now to learn other ways to protect your claim. You can also read more on

Post-accident protection: Why police reports are crucial?


Stanley A. Tomkiel, III has been litigating on behalf of personal injury plaintiffs since 1979, when he joined his father, Stanley Jr. (retired 2008) to form Tomkiel & Tomkiel.

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