When a person experiences a car accident, they frequently may incur significant injuries which could call for immediate medical attention. Following treatment with a licensed physician, a person could receive substantial medical bills and other unexpected property damage from the crash. If you or a family member suffered such an incident, investigating the role of a Westchester car accident lawyer may serve current and future financial needs as a lawyer could help a person pursue compensation from a negligent party.

Contact a resourceful injury attorney. They could review the facts surrounding the collision and potentially help determine liability. Schedule a consultation today.

Advantages of Hiring Legal Counsel After a Crash

Frequently one of the most important reasons to contact an injury lawyer after a car accident is to protect a person’s ability to file a claim against an allegedly negligent party. Directly after notification, an insurance company will typically begin working to reduce its costs and expenses. This often means they may attempt to find reasons to deny a claim or not pay a full amount in compensation. As a business, an insurance company generally try to collect premiums and pay out as little as possible in claims. The less they pay out, the more profit the insurance company could make. However, a skilled injury attorney who is familiar with Westchester car accidents could help defend a person by managing communication between the plaintiff and a potentially aggressive insurance company. It is common for an injured person to speak with an insurance adjuster and later find the conversation used against them when filing a claim. A person could be caught off-guard and may be unaware that their statements to an insurance adjuster could negatively impact their claim.

Additionally, there are often deadlines that apply to file a claim for a car crash in Westchester. Depending on the circumstances of a claim and the accident that led to it, there may be exceptions to extend the date. However, extensions are relatively rare and a person should speak with an injury attorney before attempting to evaluate the work it may take to meet a deadline alone. Explore the role of a Westchester car accident lawyer and learn about how they could be beneficial. Arrange an appointment today.

Important Differences of Filing a Claim in Westchester

The most significant issue regarding car accident claims is that New York is often a no-fault state. When a motor vehicle accident occurs, anyone injured in the accident may make a claim against the insurance policy of the vehicle they occupied at the time of the accident. If the individual was driving a car or was a passenger in a car, the claim for no-fault benefits generally would be placed against the car they were in. No-fault benefits often cover the person’s medical bills and a portion of their lost wages. With no-fault insurance, regardless of who is at fault, certain damages are automatically covered.

When the injured person is a pedestrian, the no-fault claim is typically filed against the insurance policy of the vehicle that allegedly hit the pedestrian. In Westchester, no-fault benefits are commonly known as “first-party benefits.” The insurance industry frequently refers to them as “personal injury protection” (PIP) benefits. Every motor vehicle insurance policy in Westchester is required to have at least $50,000 of PIP coverage, but it does not generally include motorcycles. Motorcyclists and riders are often ineligible to receive no-fault benefits.

The other issue that may govern car accidents in Westchester is a “serious injury” threshold. This legal stipulation generally allows for only individuals who have been seriously injured in a crash to sue for pain and suffering injuries beyond the basic economic loss of no-fault benefits. The serious injury threshold is often set out by a statute that defines a serious injury. It may list the things that qualify as a serious injury. The role of a Westchester car accident lawyer generally revolves around making the case that the injuries of a person who suffered in a motor vehicle accident qualify as a serious injury and therefore cross the threshold to file a lawsuit. In most cases, when the threshold for serious injury is not met, the lawsuit typically is dismissed.

Understanding the Role of a Westchester Car Accident Attorney

If you were injured by a negligent driver, schedule a legal consultation to learn more about how the role of a Westchester car accident lawyer could impact your case. Compensation for injuries and property damage suffered in a crash could ease a person’s financial burden as they attempt to recover and return to their normal routine. Contact a caring injury lawyer who could evaluate the facts of your case and potentially identify legal options that could hold a reckless party responsible for their actions. Call today.

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